Friday, December 28, 2007

From D.C. to New York City, baby!

Hello Again! Spamalot was amazingly funny! haha, it was like the Holy Grail movie, but it had quite a few added twists and a lot more music! hahahaha...but D.C. was amazing, we hit up quite a few museums and everything was FREE!!!!! :D:D:D However, tax was a bit high, I think. hehe. We went to the National Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence and went to the National Museum of Natural History, which was filled with fossils and skeletons! :) hehe. The metros in D.C. are fantastic. Almost as good as Paris. They said how long until the next metro and everything was CLEAN! *Added* :) When we were in D.C., Harmen and I decided to walk to the metro station.....which we thought was 6 blocks away, and instead, we got on the right street toward it, thought we were on the wrong one, went back to where we started, and then got on the wrong street, walked for a while and then asked a local....haha, so it took us 2 hours of walking to find the metro! :) Then we went to our first Cocktail party. This was a Christmas Eve Cocktail party. Haha, it was fun, just stand around and eat and drink and you're good. The food was awesome! :) Kyle, Nick, Harmen and I went around at night and saw the National Monument, the Vietnam Memorial, the WWII memorial and the reflecting pool. It was quite cool! :D I forgot to mention, haha, but Harmen and I also walked by the White House and we also saw the Lincoln Memorial! :) All of us hung out at Tony and Michael's place a lot and had awesome food that they made! :D yuumm....(They raise turkeys and we ate one on Christmas Day)...haha....Hmm..Oh yeah! Marissa, Kyle, Nick, Harmen and I all went to the zoo in D.C. It was cool! But probably the coolest thing was seeing the baby cuttlefish being fed! They had these long anntenna-like things that came out of their mouths and snatched the shrimp! There were also Pandas and Pygmey Hippos! haha...also these weird rodent things, elephant shrews, armadillos, oh, just about everything! Well, I just woke up so I'm going to have to wait until Harmen gets back to remember everything we did in D.C. :) So more will be coming later!

Now we are in New York and the subways are pretty gross. Luckily, it's not summer, so the urine smell isn't very noticeable. Hooray! Harmen and I walked around Central Park today and went to a 9 floor Macy's (department store) completely filled with designer clothes....crazy! (and expensive!) Well, I'm definitely never going to live in New York, but it's fun to visit.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

More in Boston

Hello we were in Boston for two days and in those two days, we went grocery shopping and visited millions of restaurants. Okay, not millions, but quite a few, haha. We took the "T" which is Boston's form of a metro and proceeded to explore the city. Although, friday, I decided to drink Soymilk that was probably expired and combined with eating too much food in one day...I got sick! I threw up all night and it continued on through the next day. Not to mention I had to sit in a car for 8 to 10 hours to get to D.C. while I was sick, haha. But now I'm better and I am no longer throwing up. We arrived in D.C. at two in the morning and slept until 11 :D Yay! But tonight we are going to Spamalot at the National Theatre! But, I've got to get going now, so I'll updat more later.

Hallo Hallo....zo wij zijn twee dagen in Boston geweest en in die twee dagen hebben wij boodschappen gedaan en zijn we naar heel veel restaurants geweest. Wij hebben de "T" genomen. Dat is de "metro" van Boston en daarna hebben wij de stad verkend. Maar, vrijdag heb ik sojamelk gedronken die over datum was en toen ben ik daar erg ziek van geworden. en heb ik vijf keer overgegeven. Maar daarna hebben wij 8 -10 uur in een auto gezeten om naar Washington D.C. te gaan, en was ik de hele weg ziek. Maar nu voel ik me beter. Vandaag gaan wij naar een toneelstuk bij de National Theatre. Het zal leuk zijn! Maar ik moet nu gaan. Later ga ik meer updaten. Doei Doei!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Arrived in Boston

Hey everybody, haha.. Well, I'm in Boston now :) Last night, Kyle, Harmen and I went grocery shopping at 11 at night and ended up going in a circle without finding the grocery store :D Haha, but we did finally find it! aaannndd...I got a Shaw's a safeway or Albertson's card. :) saved me like 10 bucks, so that was nice. So, Monday, the day before we left for Boston, something exciting happened...I slid off the road! haha, it was crazy! I have some pics, but I haven't put them on my comp yet, so I'll update them a little later. Harmen and I were leaving his place, and the roads had just been plowed, so there was 2 inches of ice that I didn't know about. So I slid 20 feet and ended up with my back end down a slope and my front still on the side of the road. :) So Harmen's host-dad George came and towed us out! :D hehe, then we were on our way to pick up Kyle and now I am here! Well, Kyle, Nick, Harmen and Nick's friend Tommy are all playing Wii right now..haha, then we'll probably go check out Marissa's school. I'll update more later. Merry Almost Christmas Everbody!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week before Finals/ Week voor finals

Hello Hello. It is the Friday of dead week. Next week finals begin. haha! Buuut....I only have two, and they are both on Tuesday! Crazy, no? Plus, if I get a bullet proof B in Chemistry, I don't have to take the final! (I'm hoping for it)....but yeah, I only have a Chemistry final (at 7:30 a.m.) and a Sacred Journey final at 10:00 a.m. Wish me luck!

After finals, I have to work Saturday and Sunday, then Tuesday, Kyle, Harmen and I are leaving for Boston! Wooohoo! While we are there, we're going to visit Uncle Tony in Washington D.C. and go to New York for a couple days. It should be pretty cool. I've never actually been to the East Coast. Oh! An update, for those I haven't told. I am going back to the Netherlands this summer, but for 3 MONTHS instead of 3 weeks :D I'm excited! Alright, well, that's about all for now. Now, I'm going to attempt to write this in Dutch :D hahaha......See you all!

Hallo Hallo allemaal, Het is de vrijdag voor studieweek...volgende week begint finals. Maaaar...ik heb alleen twee finals. Hihi, en als ik een "B" in Scheikunde krijg, dan hoef ik niet de toets te maken :) Dat hoop ik wel. Mijn twee finals zijn Scheikunde om 7.30 en "Sacred Journey" om 10.00 uur...ja, zij zijn beide op hetzelfde dag! hahahaha :D Gek, nee?

Na finals, moet ik werken op zaterdag en zondag, maar dindsdag vliegen harmen, kyle en ik naar Boston! Woohoo! Terwijl wij daar zijn gaan wij mijn Oom Tony bezoeken in Washington D.C. en ook naar New York voor een paar dagen...Ik ben nog nooit naar de OostKust geweest..Oh ja! En voor de mensen die ik niet verteld heb, ik ga vanzomer naar Nederland nu voor 3 MAANDEN en niet alleen 3 weken :) Ik heb heel erg veel zin erin! Oke, maar dat is alles voor nu. Tot horens! Plezier!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hoi Hoi!
So, I've survived a week of school! :) It's pretty cool. I've played soccer, gone to the rec center, met a bunch of people. .all that kind of fun. My favorite class so far is Family and Individual development :) I'm basically taking two Psychology classes, hehehe. . Honors Psyc 101 - intorduction to Psyc. . .and Family and Individual Development. Harmen had his birthday last Wednesday, he is finally 18! :) I bought him a coconut creme pie and had some people over to my dorm, hehe. . . then Kyle - my brother - turned 21 on Sunday. So we had a dinner at Sangria and then back to his apartment for cake and sorbet! :D Yum. The pineapple sorbet was delish! Well, I'm going to go get ready for school now. . .I don't have class until 9:30!!! :D Yaaay! Okay! Talk to you later! Veel plezier!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hello Hello! Well, It's Saturday night and I'm all moved in to my dorm room! Woohoo! However, right now I'm at a house out past Troy, Idaho helping Harmen move in to his new host family's house :) Classes begin Monday! (I'm excited and nervous all at the same time) My dorm is alright. It has toooons of storage space, so that is wonderful! :D I haven't met my roommate yet, but we've exchanged notes pinned on the cork board in our room, hehe :) Well, I hope everyone is doing well! I'll try to post some pics of my dorm and a bit of college life when things actually get started! Talk to you later! xoxo

Friday, August 10, 2007

Heeey - I'm back! Paris was a lot of fun! We arrived Monday night and then made our way to our hotel. . hehe. . .a one star!! wooohoo!! :D:D Every day we had to go up and down 6 flights of stairs to get to our room, then we discovered a lift, haha. . .:) but we used the stairs anyway. Anyway, in Paris we saw Notre Dame (church), St. Chapel (church), the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower :) , the Arc de Triomph. . . everything was very beautiful, and the Louvre was ginormous!!!! oh my gosh. . .so much walking. . .So now, I've had my first experience with the Metro and an underground train! :) hehehe. . .for breakfast and lunch we ate french baguettes, they were huge! :) and yummy. . .and best of all: cheap! We also walked down the Champs E'lysees where the Tour de France took place - and home to all the Gucci and Louis Vaton, etc. . .stores. . .Amazingly, we met up with my Uncle Kurt and his family in Paris! (by the Notre Dame) and we ended up seeing some sights together and going to dinner! It was veeeery nice! :) Then afterwards we went to their apartment and all had a lovely glass of champagne with orange juice and cute little strawberries inside! A real treat, :) :D But, you would never believe how many stairs I went up. ..stairs into the metro, out of the metro, 200 some to the arc, 600 some to the eiffel tower, and 400 some up to Notre Dame, and the 6th floor of the hotel, haha, oh man. . .so many stairs! :) hahah. . .but it was very fun and exhausting! Thursday, we got up at 5 a.m. and were on the metro at 6 :) then we made our way back on the train at 7a.m. :) When I got back around 1, we had lunch and then I took a nap, after my nap, Harmen, Marloes and I had a wondeeerful dinner with their grandparents! :) Drie in de pan and Stampot! Then after dinner, Martin and Marjan came over. . .Martin with his motorcycle and off I went!!!! :D:D I got to ride on the back of the motorcycle, it was sooo mcuh fun! The most amazing part was when we'd go super fast! aaaah!! Very nice! Today (Friday) I went to the hair dresser! hehehe, yaaay! :) I like it! It's shorter and in layers, now I have to buy a straightener! :D Then Marloes and I used some lovely masks and watched a chick flick :) What a day, what a day. . .Shopping (I didn't mention that :)), Hair dresser, masks and a chick flick - totally a girls day! Buuuuuuuuuuuut, there are some people here, so I'm going to go and have coffe :) I'll put the pics on a little later! :D Doei!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Hello everyone! I'm off to Paris today!!! Buuuuut. . .I'll start from Saturday, hey!

Saturday: in the morning we woke up and got ready to go. . .then. . .Winkelen! (shopping) Bea, Harmen and I went shopping for shoes! I got two pairs of cheap shoes, 5 euros each! :) Some fake green converses and some cute pink flats! After shopping Bea dropped us off at a bus stop and I climbed on to my first dutch bus! It was very nice! :) Harmen and I rode the bus until the Hardewijk train station where we met up with Chris and Aline. Then off to the Dolfinarium!!! :D:D It was amazing! I saw a dolphin show and a see lion show and I even got to pet a ray!!! :D:D It was soooo squishy and cute, and it like it! (It was practically sleeping!) :D Then we walked around and saw fat walruses and looked at dolphins swimming under water and naturally had ice cream! :D After our ice cream I got a very special treat. . .. .paling. . .also known as EEL! haha, it was pretty yummy, but a little bit slimy - luckily it was smoked! hahahaha. . .then we went to Chris and Aline's and had fries, krokets and frikandel! yumm yummm yummm :) The rest of the night was filled with relaxation!!

Sunday: We woke up at 8:30 and got ready for church. .then we all hopped on our bicycles and off we went - but I got to ride on the back of Harmen's, heheheheheh :D At church we sang songs (in dutch naturally) and then a pastor guy preached (in dutch) some was hard to understand so Harmen translated a bit for me! hehe, then we sang again and then it was over, very nice :) At home, we got ready for spelletjes dag! (game day) Around 2p.m. we hopped on our bikes again and made the 1.5 hour trip to hardewijk. . . oh man it was like. . .18 miles. . .just to get there :) haha, then we had a drink and then the games began! :) The first was soccer - and then we spiced it up a little and played soccer with cups on our eyes - (basically the bottoms were cut out and we had tunnel vision and couldn't see in front of us - hahahahah, it was really funny!) The next game we stood in lines and then one by one we had to run to a bottle, turn around it 10 times and then try to run back to the line - I was dizzy but I actually went pretty straight! :D hahaha, then back to Harmen's Tante Sjoukje's house and time for barbeque! :D however, dutch barbeque's are different, the table is set up with salads and bread! (I looooove bread). . .and then over by the barbeque there are various types of meats covered in sauces and you choose which one you want and then you put it on the grill yourself and you go check on it or someone else will tell you when it is finished :) Very cool, actually :) aaand yummy! After dinner, we played a game where there were balloons on a string tied around our ankles, and then you go against another person and the other person tries to pop your balloon while you are trying to pop the other person's balloon, hahahaha. . .I won three times!!! :D:D After games, we relaxed for a bit and then we made the 18 mile trip BACK, hahaha, oh my poor bottom - it was hurting! haha :) then to bed, :D

Monday: Harmen woke me up with coffee in bed! yay! Now I'm just getting ready to go to Paris - so I probably won't be able to update until Thursday or something :) But I wish you all a great vacation or work or just have fun! :) Until my next blog! :D Doei!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Hello! Let's see, I'll start from Tuesday, I think.
Tuesday: This was the day of Bea and Harmen's birthday party! The whole family woke up early and we brought our presents into Bea's room (Harmen sat in the bed too) and we sang a dutch song and congratulated them! Haha, it was amazing - they got breakfast in bed and presents! After that we all got ready for the day. The first people came around 9 or 10, then we ate lunch and the next people came around 3. ..then in between dinner, and the next people came around 7 or something. . .So coffee time, tea time, and drink time. . haha. was amazing! So many people to meet! haha, then to bed around midnight! haha, a whole day of celebration! (and naturally we got lots of basketball playing in there as well)

Wednesday: Harmen brought me coffee and breakfast in bed! :D:DWhat a sweetie. ..learning from his dad (he brings Bea coffee EVERY morning - so cute!) hehehe . . .then we got ready for the day. . .and then OFF TO AMSTERDAM! But first we biked to the train station in 't Harde, :) yes, I biked. . . and then our train was delayed because a train had crashed into another train. . .I don't if anyone was hurt or anything. . .but we arrived in Arnhem, I think, and then we waited for buses, becaues we didn't know if the train would go to Amsterdam. . .in the meantime, I talked with some people from England and a girl from Holland, haha, it was fun :) Oh man. .when we arrived though, I was so overwhelmed. . .it was a large city and I don't think that I've every actually walked all through a big city. . So many little shops. . and coffee shops (which are actually shops to smoke marijuana in, but I didn't go in, haha). . .It was amazing, I ate a hotdog from a vendor and I saw the Rijksmuseum (it was free for people from 0-18!). . .next year, it won't be free, haha. . .but some of it was closed off, I think, for updating or something. . .but I saw the whole 17th century! Later that night Harmen and I met up with the daught from my grandpa's brother's kid, haha. .her name is Mirthe, we had dinner and then ice cream! Oh, the ice cream is different, but sooo delicious! :D Then around 11 Harmen and I arrived back at the train station in 't Harde and made our way home by bike! It was a wonderful night ride!

Friday: Winkelendag! Shopping day! All the girls left their men at home and we had a girls' day out in Appeldoorn! (Aline, Sjoukje, Bea, Marjan, Marloes, Anouk and me) :) In just 4 stores I found: 2 shirts, a skirt, a poncho (like my blanket, so I can wear it instead at the breakfast table, :D haha), a pajama dress, and a new b.h. . . haha. . .it was veeery fun! Much walking, talking, and naturally eating. . .dinner and oh my gosh! Bea, Anouk and I bought ice creams. . .thinking they were small. . .but they were huuuuge! hahaha, naturally I finished mine, but I was extreeeemely full for the oncoming few hours, hahahaha! When we were finished we went back to Sjoukje's (sister from Bea) and had something to drink. .then we called Harmen at home, and found out his friend Bart was there - who I had not met, and who was leaving for vacation the next day. after our drinks, we rushed home in the car and made just in time to sit for a bit and show off all our new goodies! But, it's 5:30 in the morning ( I woke up to go to the bathroom and decided to update, so I'll upload pictures later! hehe, see you later!)

Sunday, July 29, 2007


how are you guys doing?

I'm still doing great, enjoying my time here. Ehm..let's start with where I left we ended thursday sleeping...than friday came. We woke up early, had breakfast at tante Anie's, packed our stuff (haha, mine bag had exploded all over the room. . ) Friday, after I ate a little bit, all of a sudden I felt completely sick and had to go lay down on the bed before Tante Nettie and Albert came to pick Harmen and me up. Thank God Tante Annie had Renne's (a dutch medicine). . . Later that morning, Tante Annie and Albert came and took Harmen and me to the train station. So much train riding, he! Well, so now in Beugen I met maaaany people! First we had tea and coffee at my grandpa's sister's house. . .Harry and Marie Ploegmaker. . .and I met the husband of Marie's daughter Sjannie. . .(Naturally, I fell asleep on the couch threeeee times! hahahah oops!). . .then we went to Jan's (the brother from my father). He is very nice! The same age as my grandma - 81!! Then his daughter Marita came over with her husband and Eric and his family also came. Then Harmen and I went to bed. The next morning, we woke up and had a lovely breakfast - hehe. . .Dutch people are soo good at cooking, it is amazing! It seems that one minute there is no food, and the other minute it just magically appears! Marita came over again, and then her brother Pieter also came with his wife, his twins and his other son, :) Very cute! After visiting for a while, Harmen and I hopped on the train and made our way back to Elburg (where he lives). Later that evening we went to Chris's house in Hardewijk and visited. . .and I tried some Bacardi, haha, it was alright. . .

Sunday: I woke up at 8:30 and thought oh, I'll go back to sleep until someone wakes me up for church. . haha. . then it was 10:30 and Harmen came to wake me up. ..Since Marloes and I were up till midnight Saturday night, they decided we shouldn't go. ..hahahahaha. ...ooops. . .Then we went to Ruben's birthday (the son from Martin) He is now three years old!!! :D:D: sooooooooo cute! He showed me his room - and spoke in dutch to me and he kept stealing my buik! (stomach) so then, naturally I would steal it back and steal his! Then we biked to Harmen's Tante Sjoukjes and sat in the sun and drank juice and such. . .later that night, I was compleeeetely tired, so i called my parents and then I went to bed :) hahah. . .

Monday: That is today, hey! I slept for like 11.5 hours! Wooooo!!! Then I woke up and had breakfast. Then Harmen and I biked for 20 minutes to get to the church. We were attending a wedding from one of Harmen's friend's sister's :) Lisette and Jonathan. . .An italian man with a dutch woman. It was a beautiful wedding. . .We sang in dutch, english and italian. . .I have never attended a wedding in anything other than English. . .that was really nice! :D:D:D After the wedding, Marloes (harmen's sister) and I went shopping for a gift for Harmen! (Tomorrow we are celebrating the birthday from Bea -his mom- and Harmen) :D:D:D Yaaay! Woohooo. . .so then, that is today. . . I eat three times a day and have some little snacks in between. The country is beautiful and the weather unpredictable. . .I LOVE IT! :D:D:D:D hehe, I definitely want to come back! Well, I hope all is good with everyone! If anything exciting has happened feel free to email me, I would love to hear from you! ( See you!!! Greetings from Holland!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello again!

Hallo again! Sorry for taking so long to update, but I was staying with relatives that had noooo internet! :) Hehe,:D But I'll start from where I left off!

Tuesday: That night there were maaaany people at Harmen's house! So many names and faces, and all speaking dutch naturally. It was a totally different world! Amazingly though, I think I can remember most of their names!

Wednesday: After a woooonderful night's sleep - no problem with jet lag because I had only slept for an hour on Sunday night and 3 hours on the plane - I woke up to beautiful, sunny weather! :) I had a totally dutch breakfast of bread with chocolate spread and "pindakaas"(peanut butter), cheese!! Oh, the cheese here is amazing! :D:D Gouda enzo, is wonderful! :D Wednesday we left for Boxtel (where my grandma's side of the family lives). . .Harmen's parents took us by car! On the way we stopped by a restaurant and I had my first experience with the dutch restaurants! (Mind you, no refills :) ) I tried "Broodjes Gezond" - it was very nice! :D It was like a large roll with cucumbers, sliced eggs, tomato, ham, and cheese! Delicious! Then I also got to try a "kroket" - some sort of meat thing fried. . .um, it looks like a sausage, but with a breakable outer shell of fried bread crumbs. . .it was kind of like a meat paste that you spread on your bread. It was interesting looking, but very good! Then we arrived at Tante Annie's house and Harmen, his parents, Annie and I sat and drank coffie. It is tooootally dutch, whenever I go into someone's house, they automatically ask if I want something to drink! It is amazing, ja! Later that night Tante Nettie and her husband Albert came for dinner as well as Hettie. Dinner was delcious, but so much food! Soup, main course, and then dessert! Amazing! :) After dinner, Hettie, Harmen and I went to Staplen. Staplen was the castle/church that my Uncle Wim was a priest at and where he lived. (He is now passed away - recently). . .then after seeing the beautiful sites, we went back to Tante Annie's and went to bed.

Thursday: Yet another beautiful day, also with rain :) Again, I had bread with many different things on it. Cheese, meats, little sprinkles. . .oh, it was lekker! :D After breafast, Tante Annie, Harmen and I cycled to St. Petrus's Kerk (a large church) (Annie is in her 70's and still riding her bike) While we were looking around, it began to rain again! haha After lunch, Harmen and I belled Tante Nettie and Albert,and they took us to s'Hertogenbosch. . .a city not far from Boxtel. There, Harmen and I walked and I shopped! We also stopped by a snack bar and tried fries - with mayonnaise and drank strawberry milkshakes! hahaha, it was actually really good! While I was shopping, I totally came by a McDonald's. . how crazy is that?? :D hahaha. . . After shopping, we took the train back to Boxtel and made it safely to Tante Nettie's for dinner :) Also soup first, a main course, and then a delicious dessert! After dinner, we decided to go out for a drink and while we were at the cafe - sitting outside - it began to rain, and all of sudden it began pouring, like I hadn't seen it before! :D Totally made everything wet even the floor beneath our feet (with umbrellas over all the tables and everything -more like tents than umbrellas. . .hhe. . .but, then we went back to tante Annie's and, haha. . .I tried a glass of white wine! Haha, it was okay. . .I'm not much for alchohol, I think, haha. . I tried a Heineken by Tante Annie's as well, but, man-oh-man, I totally had to share it with Harmen. . .beer is not so good, haha!. . .But, I think I will update more later, because it is now 11:17 and I have to get up and go to church tomorrow! So, Tot Later! and Have fun!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Yooooooooooooooooooooo!! I am in Holland! :) I had a five hour layover in Seattle! And you'll never believe it! haha. . .So, they told me the wrong gate, but there were others that were supposed to be there as well. An airport worker made me in charge of a man from Iran or India, I couldn't understand which, but, the man didn't speak any English. . .se we just communicated by nods/smiles. But, the only way I found out the gate had been changed was by overhearing some of the other people waiting for the Amsterdam flight! :D And one was a german lady! Naturally, I started talking with her, and we started speaking german together! :D (Well, she spoke - I understood - and attempted to speak back) But it was fun!! :D:D She was on her way to Luxembourg! But, anyway. ..we all made it on the right flight!!! And now. . I am here! :D

Harmen's family toooootally surprised me at the airport! I knew they were going to be there, but it happening in reality was just amazing! :D haha, I was in shock - it felt so unreal!
Then we drove from Amsterdam to Elburg - where they live!
Outside the house was a banner!!! "Oh dear! Look who's here! Megan P. from overseas! Welcome!" It was sooooo cool! I came inside and all of a sudden there was a cake there, with my picture on it welcoming me to holland! :D :D:D It was sooo different from any cake I've had in America (besides the one harmen made me) :) and it was delicious!!!! :D:D Then some people came over to visit and I was introduced to various relatives and friends! Oooh! It rained! I haven't seen rain in months! It was amazing - Marloes, Anouk and I ran around the block looking for puddles to jump into! :D Well, I just got done eating a deeeeelicious dinner and tonight there will be more relatives and people to meet! (Thank God I took a 1.5 hour nap):D::D Well, I wish you all the best! Veel plezier, he!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Ik ben onderweg!

Well, I'm sitting in front of my computer for the last time until 3 weeks! I'm just getting ready to go! Well, Here I go! :D
AAAaaah! It's 2:18a.m. haha, and I cannot sleep! I'm too excited! :D Plus, I worked until 11 at night, :) Well, all's well that ends well, I suppose! So I'll get ready in an hour and off I go!!!! :D:D Wish me luck!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Alright, well, it's about two days before I leave! I'm excited and nervous all at the same time! I haven't flown in at least 5 years! I can't remember a thing about security or anything. . . haha, wish me luck! :D Oh, and about the pics, they are from my 18th birthday lunch! haha, I'm just trying to figure out how to upload pics on this. . .But I don't have any clue how to do it! haha. . .Hopefully it works! Oh, and Harmen made me the cake! It was really sweet! It fell apart a little, but it still tasted delicious!!!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Beginning

For the past two weeks, I have been getting to know my boyfriend's family. They flew from Holland to watch him graduate. Over the past two weeks, many memories were made. Now, off to Holland (in 5 weeks that is). Nonetheless, I'm going, and am totally looking forward to meeting people and vieweing parts of Europe. Hopefully I'll pick up some more Dutch while I'm over there. :) I'll start posting more regular blogs when I start my european adventure!