Sunday, July 29, 2007


how are you guys doing?

I'm still doing great, enjoying my time here. Ehm..let's start with where I left we ended thursday sleeping...than friday came. We woke up early, had breakfast at tante Anie's, packed our stuff (haha, mine bag had exploded all over the room. . ) Friday, after I ate a little bit, all of a sudden I felt completely sick and had to go lay down on the bed before Tante Nettie and Albert came to pick Harmen and me up. Thank God Tante Annie had Renne's (a dutch medicine). . . Later that morning, Tante Annie and Albert came and took Harmen and me to the train station. So much train riding, he! Well, so now in Beugen I met maaaany people! First we had tea and coffee at my grandpa's sister's house. . .Harry and Marie Ploegmaker. . .and I met the husband of Marie's daughter Sjannie. . .(Naturally, I fell asleep on the couch threeeee times! hahahah oops!). . .then we went to Jan's (the brother from my father). He is very nice! The same age as my grandma - 81!! Then his daughter Marita came over with her husband and Eric and his family also came. Then Harmen and I went to bed. The next morning, we woke up and had a lovely breakfast - hehe. . .Dutch people are soo good at cooking, it is amazing! It seems that one minute there is no food, and the other minute it just magically appears! Marita came over again, and then her brother Pieter also came with his wife, his twins and his other son, :) Very cute! After visiting for a while, Harmen and I hopped on the train and made our way back to Elburg (where he lives). Later that evening we went to Chris's house in Hardewijk and visited. . .and I tried some Bacardi, haha, it was alright. . .

Sunday: I woke up at 8:30 and thought oh, I'll go back to sleep until someone wakes me up for church. . haha. . then it was 10:30 and Harmen came to wake me up. ..Since Marloes and I were up till midnight Saturday night, they decided we shouldn't go. ..hahahahaha. ...ooops. . .Then we went to Ruben's birthday (the son from Martin) He is now three years old!!! :D:D: sooooooooo cute! He showed me his room - and spoke in dutch to me and he kept stealing my buik! (stomach) so then, naturally I would steal it back and steal his! Then we biked to Harmen's Tante Sjoukjes and sat in the sun and drank juice and such. . .later that night, I was compleeeetely tired, so i called my parents and then I went to bed :) hahah. . .

Monday: That is today, hey! I slept for like 11.5 hours! Wooooo!!! Then I woke up and had breakfast. Then Harmen and I biked for 20 minutes to get to the church. We were attending a wedding from one of Harmen's friend's sister's :) Lisette and Jonathan. . .An italian man with a dutch woman. It was a beautiful wedding. . .We sang in dutch, english and italian. . .I have never attended a wedding in anything other than English. . .that was really nice! :D:D:D After the wedding, Marloes (harmen's sister) and I went shopping for a gift for Harmen! (Tomorrow we are celebrating the birthday from Bea -his mom- and Harmen) :D:D:D Yaaay! Woohooo. . .so then, that is today. . . I eat three times a day and have some little snacks in between. The country is beautiful and the weather unpredictable. . .I LOVE IT! :D:D:D:D hehe, I definitely want to come back! Well, I hope all is good with everyone! If anything exciting has happened feel free to email me, I would love to hear from you! ( See you!!! Greetings from Holland!

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