Sunday, June 22, 2008

Update No. 2

Oh let's see where to begin. Well, I'm super busy here, haha. I have something to do basically every day. I'm doing volunteer work at an elementary school and now there is an American boy in the class that I'm helping with. He's a cutie, but a bit quiet. I copy lots of papers and help out in the class. The kids are really nice and if I don't understand something they explain it. The other day I did an art project with the kids, haha. We made a soccer player with a soccer ball for a head, it was really cute. I got my hair cut too! It's pretty short, but really easy to do! Yesterday, Harmen and I went to Den Haag, where Parliament is in the Netherlands. We saw government buildings and where the Queen lives. We also went into a large church, that was no longer used as a church, and there was an exhibition "Stop Child Labor". That was pretty interesting, but I was more interested in seeing the parts that were actually of the church. The weather here is pretty crazy. Today it was sunny, and then all of a sudden for 5 minutes it was pouring down rain and very windy, then it was sunny again. Since I've been here, I've read 6 books.....all in Dutch, haha....the Shopoholic series and a couple other books (Romantic books, there is always love in them!) Haha, it's like watching a chick flick, but instead I'm reading it.
I think almost every day we eat potatoes with dinner, but they're always delicious. :) Haha, I still don't have pictures to put on the site, because my laptop battery is dead. But I'm going to charge it tonight, so hopefully later tonight or tomorrow I'll try to put some pictures up. Well, I've got to go now. I hope everything is going alright there!

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