Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hello! Long time no update! :) Haha......oops! I never have been very good about keeping up to date. I've been in the netherlands now for 3 weeks and one day! Life is a routine. Monday and Tuesday mornings I help out at an elementary school with Group 5 (8/9 year olds). Wednesdays are mainly random things and Thursday I go the whole day to the elementary school and Friday usually in the afternoon. Luckily, school doesn't start until 8:45, but I have to bike about 20 minutes to get there :) It's really amazing here! I don't really have any pictures yet to add, that'll come later :) I've gone shopping a lot too, haha :) Who can resist? Oh yeah! I celebrated my birthday in the Netherlands! It was crazy, the whooooole day people came, but it was really fun! :) Sitting around drinking coffee, talking, everything plus tons of presents :)

Marloes (the sister from Harmen) and I also babysat 2 of their cousins, it was fun! We stayed the night, so after the kids went to sleep we watched a chick flick, hehe, hooray for girls' nights!

Well, I think that is all I have to report for now. More will come later :) I'll try better to update once a week. Oh! One more thing, Harmen, Rutger, Paula and I are going to Germany in July for 10 days! Hoorah, vacation! Okay, now, I will update later (in more or less a week) :) Bye! :D

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