Friday, December 28, 2007

From D.C. to New York City, baby!

Hello Again! Spamalot was amazingly funny! haha, it was like the Holy Grail movie, but it had quite a few added twists and a lot more music! hahahaha...but D.C. was amazing, we hit up quite a few museums and everything was FREE!!!!! :D:D:D However, tax was a bit high, I think. hehe. We went to the National Archives and saw the Declaration of Independence and went to the National Museum of Natural History, which was filled with fossils and skeletons! :) hehe. The metros in D.C. are fantastic. Almost as good as Paris. They said how long until the next metro and everything was CLEAN! *Added* :) When we were in D.C., Harmen and I decided to walk to the metro station.....which we thought was 6 blocks away, and instead, we got on the right street toward it, thought we were on the wrong one, went back to where we started, and then got on the wrong street, walked for a while and then asked a local....haha, so it took us 2 hours of walking to find the metro! :) Then we went to our first Cocktail party. This was a Christmas Eve Cocktail party. Haha, it was fun, just stand around and eat and drink and you're good. The food was awesome! :) Kyle, Nick, Harmen and I went around at night and saw the National Monument, the Vietnam Memorial, the WWII memorial and the reflecting pool. It was quite cool! :D I forgot to mention, haha, but Harmen and I also walked by the White House and we also saw the Lincoln Memorial! :) All of us hung out at Tony and Michael's place a lot and had awesome food that they made! :D yuumm....(They raise turkeys and we ate one on Christmas Day)...haha....Hmm..Oh yeah! Marissa, Kyle, Nick, Harmen and I all went to the zoo in D.C. It was cool! But probably the coolest thing was seeing the baby cuttlefish being fed! They had these long anntenna-like things that came out of their mouths and snatched the shrimp! There were also Pandas and Pygmey Hippos! haha...also these weird rodent things, elephant shrews, armadillos, oh, just about everything! Well, I just woke up so I'm going to have to wait until Harmen gets back to remember everything we did in D.C. :) So more will be coming later!

Now we are in New York and the subways are pretty gross. Luckily, it's not summer, so the urine smell isn't very noticeable. Hooray! Harmen and I walked around Central Park today and went to a 9 floor Macy's (department store) completely filled with designer clothes....crazy! (and expensive!) Well, I'm definitely never going to live in New York, but it's fun to visit.

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