Monday, August 6, 2007

Hello everyone! I'm off to Paris today!!! Buuuuut. . .I'll start from Saturday, hey!

Saturday: in the morning we woke up and got ready to go. . .then. . .Winkelen! (shopping) Bea, Harmen and I went shopping for shoes! I got two pairs of cheap shoes, 5 euros each! :) Some fake green converses and some cute pink flats! After shopping Bea dropped us off at a bus stop and I climbed on to my first dutch bus! It was very nice! :) Harmen and I rode the bus until the Hardewijk train station where we met up with Chris and Aline. Then off to the Dolfinarium!!! :D:D It was amazing! I saw a dolphin show and a see lion show and I even got to pet a ray!!! :D:D It was soooo squishy and cute, and it like it! (It was practically sleeping!) :D Then we walked around and saw fat walruses and looked at dolphins swimming under water and naturally had ice cream! :D After our ice cream I got a very special treat. . .. .paling. . .also known as EEL! haha, it was pretty yummy, but a little bit slimy - luckily it was smoked! hahahaha. . .then we went to Chris and Aline's and had fries, krokets and frikandel! yumm yummm yummm :) The rest of the night was filled with relaxation!!

Sunday: We woke up at 8:30 and got ready for church. .then we all hopped on our bicycles and off we went - but I got to ride on the back of Harmen's, heheheheheh :D At church we sang songs (in dutch naturally) and then a pastor guy preached (in dutch) some was hard to understand so Harmen translated a bit for me! hehe, then we sang again and then it was over, very nice :) At home, we got ready for spelletjes dag! (game day) Around 2p.m. we hopped on our bikes again and made the 1.5 hour trip to hardewijk. . . oh man it was like. . .18 miles. . .just to get there :) haha, then we had a drink and then the games began! :) The first was soccer - and then we spiced it up a little and played soccer with cups on our eyes - (basically the bottoms were cut out and we had tunnel vision and couldn't see in front of us - hahahahah, it was really funny!) The next game we stood in lines and then one by one we had to run to a bottle, turn around it 10 times and then try to run back to the line - I was dizzy but I actually went pretty straight! :D hahaha, then back to Harmen's Tante Sjoukje's house and time for barbeque! :D however, dutch barbeque's are different, the table is set up with salads and bread! (I looooove bread). . .and then over by the barbeque there are various types of meats covered in sauces and you choose which one you want and then you put it on the grill yourself and you go check on it or someone else will tell you when it is finished :) Very cool, actually :) aaand yummy! After dinner, we played a game where there were balloons on a string tied around our ankles, and then you go against another person and the other person tries to pop your balloon while you are trying to pop the other person's balloon, hahahaha. . .I won three times!!! :D:D After games, we relaxed for a bit and then we made the 18 mile trip BACK, hahaha, oh my poor bottom - it was hurting! haha :) then to bed, :D

Monday: Harmen woke me up with coffee in bed! yay! Now I'm just getting ready to go to Paris - so I probably won't be able to update until Thursday or something :) But I wish you all a great vacation or work or just have fun! :) Until my next blog! :D Doei!!!

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