Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Yooooooooooooooooooooo!! I am in Holland! :) I had a five hour layover in Seattle! And you'll never believe it! haha. . .So, they told me the wrong gate, but there were others that were supposed to be there as well. An airport worker made me in charge of a man from Iran or India, I couldn't understand which, but, the man didn't speak any English. . .se we just communicated by nods/smiles. But, the only way I found out the gate had been changed was by overhearing some of the other people waiting for the Amsterdam flight! :D And one was a german lady! Naturally, I started talking with her, and we started speaking german together! :D (Well, she spoke - I understood - and attempted to speak back) But it was fun!! :D:D She was on her way to Luxembourg! But, anyway. ..we all made it on the right flight!!! And now. . I am here! :D

Harmen's family toooootally surprised me at the airport! I knew they were going to be there, but it happening in reality was just amazing! :D haha, I was in shock - it felt so unreal!
Then we drove from Amsterdam to Elburg - where they live!
Outside the house was a banner!!! "Oh dear! Look who's here! Megan P. from overseas! Welcome!" It was sooooo cool! I came inside and all of a sudden there was a cake there, with my picture on it welcoming me to holland! :D :D:D It was sooo different from any cake I've had in America (besides the one harmen made me) :) and it was delicious!!!! :D:D Then some people came over to visit and I was introduced to various relatives and friends! Oooh! It rained! I haven't seen rain in months! It was amazing - Marloes, Anouk and I ran around the block looking for puddles to jump into! :D Well, I just got done eating a deeeeelicious dinner and tonight there will be more relatives and people to meet! (Thank God I took a 1.5 hour nap):D::D Well, I wish you all the best! Veel plezier, he!


Unknown said...

That sounds like so much fun. That is so sweet they made you a cake and a banner. Sounds like they really like you!!

Well this will be my last comment for a while, I'll be in Portland and then Wallowa Lake until the 5th but I like reading this!! so keep it up!!

Love YA
have fun! lots!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful sign and beautiful cake! Love, Mom

Nick and Marissalas said...

You look cute even on a cake! I'm waiting for more updates. :)